haiz but good things did happen to me today! (^.^) i took the car out and fetch Papa to go eat lunch at Hougang Mall. my dad and mum were very noisy backseat drivers thou (:p). i managaed to get thru traffic easily as there were nt much cars on the road. Then i wanted to buy slippers as my own were rather tattered and torn, in the end, it ended up with my mum getting new shoes instead of me, LOL right.
Cosplay...... now that is another headache issue... for my KH2: Riku cosplay, i have so many things unprepared. i haven't gotten the wig, boots, glove or contacts and blindfold. And even worse, i haven't even started on the keyblade... haiz... then here i am preparing for next years cosplay, i must be draft.

i haven't decided which outfit i wanna do next year thou, its either Michiru's God outfit or his sch uniform. i gotta lose the extra pounds as well, as i can't let Michiru (left) down.
<-- doesn't he look so good!!!!
i got the pic from the pics cutepetz uploaded on sgcafe
OH nuo....... i must stop my fangirling and really really turn to my books... shit.... i think i'm likke super dead lor... haiz... sian i dun feel like studying thou.... wat to do :(
*sigH* i also haven't told mi best friend about kamichama karin yet and that i want to cosplay it next year.... i'm kinda scared of her reaction thou.
hmmmmm.... damn, i hate my schedule, i won't be able to go out any time soon thou, the birthday parties and dats it. i'm going to stay home and face books and papers.
and so Sayonara minna-san
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